Wide-eyed, learning-driven, 'my-best-is-good-enough'. The days of hearing my 3.5 year old say, "Teach me Momma" are numbered.
Moments I wish she'd do things on her own without my help are fewer, and the desire for her to look to me for guidance grows stronger as she becomes more independent.
Nana bought Aiden this book for Christmas- Yoga Together: Everyday Yoga for Children.

In terms of yoga, one might say I am...inflexible? [read: cannot touch my toes even after decades in athletics]. However, it was important to her that we try the ones that calm the body down before nap time because, according to Aiden, "I'm not sure I'll be able to relax enough to sleep if we don't". Well played, spawn of mine, well played.
Remi went down for his nap and I thought:
perfect timing. We'll do one and she'll be satisfied. I'll be able to make a cup of coffee and enjoy the quiet while they both nap.
30 seconds in and I see the glimmer of enjoyment in her eyes. Not because she loves yoga, although she very well may, but because we are spending uninterrupted time together. I thought it would be another thing on my list to do before nap roll around. Instead, we both soaked.
together | next to each other | in each other's presence.
It's humbling.
I am enough for her, even in my business (read: busy-ness).
In this moment, she's asleep- presumably having calmed her body down from yoga- and I'm anticipatory for next time.
